I must say, the conditions were not exactly ideal, but I think we made the most of it. These kids were troopers! It was cold and damp and getting dark fast and as always they were so cooperative. Even though they were shivering in some of these!
Harper is growing so fast and her little personality is really coming out. I am so glad we got to photograph the whole fam this time - they are always so much fun!
It is always interesting to do large families, and this was an especially fun group. I apologize it has taken me so long to post these, but here are few of my favorites.
What a gorgeous family! Not only are they beautiful but they are a lot of fun too. We had a great time photographing them and I had a hard time deciding on my favorites - they are so photogenic.
I have been photographing Kyler essentially his whole life and I just love to see how much he changes each session. He is older now and on the move. We may have had a little trouble getting him to stay still for the photographs, but as always he had the same happy go lucky attitude! I love it!
The trees are gorgeous this fall and I feel so lucky to be able to photograph so many great families. I have been very busy and enjoying every minute of it. This family was so easy to work with and Tyra is just the sweetest girl.
My brother-in-law's wedding was last week and we had lots of family in town. The setting was so beautiful that I took a few family shots of these three. They are so much fun and it was so great to see them!
I am so excited to be doing Mini Sessions this year! It is the perfect opportunity to get some great portraits of your family (maybe for Christmas gifts) and also an awesome holiday card. I have reserved two Saturdays in October - the 10th and 17th, but if these days don't work for you please let me know and we will work something out.Please call me at (785)608-8356 or email moorephotography@ymail.com to schedule your session.
It's hard to believe that it is already time to start thinking about Christmas. It's like I blinked my eyes and September is almost over. Here are a few samples of Christmas cards I have designed for this year. If you see something you like, but want to change it a bit I am happy to customize or even create an entirely new design according to your preferences. If you are interested in family pictures my next post will be about Fall Mini Sessions. Stay tuned!